學歷 Degree:
長庚大學醫學博士 PhD, Clinical Medicine Chang Kung University Taipei, Taiwan
研究專業亮點 Professional spotlight:
*台灣:國立台灣大學高分子研究所與溫博士共同發表"冷凍凝膠/水凝膠生物材料與針灸相結合,通過免疫調節促進糖尿病皮膚傷口癒合 "
Tsai-Yu, Chen, Tsung-Kai Wen, Niann-Tzyy Daic, and Shan-hui Hsua. (2020). Cryogel/hydrogel biomaterials and acupuncture combined to promote diabetic skin wound healing through immunomodulation. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.120608
Lecture/Workshop invited by:
*中國:中國國家中醫藥管理局的官方8次邀請到大陸醫院進行針灸教學 ( CHINA, National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
*中國:中國深圳龍崗中心醫院邀請擔任醫學顧問,進行針灸教學(Medical Consultant , Longgang District Central Hospital of Shen Zhen, P.R.C.)
*美國:美國加州聖荷西五係中醫學院邀請擔任博士生指導教授(USA, Five Branches University)
經歷 Profile:
President, Wen Tsung Kai Chinese Medicine Clinic
President, Taiwan Clinical Chinese Medicine Association.
Vice President, Taipei Chinese Medical Association (T.P.C.M.A.)
Vice Chairperson of the 1st Board of Specialty Committee of External Treatment Methods of Word Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Vice Chairperson of the 1st Board of Specialty Committee of Endocrine of Word Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Medical Consultant , Longgang District Central Hospital of Shen Zhen, P.R.C.
Attending Physician (Part time), Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital
Medical Consultant, National Highway & Railway Police Bureau, Taiwan, R.O.C.