帕金森 有力量.png

患者丈夫:So, usually I would have to pull her arms to get her start. (通常,我必須拉她的手臂才能讓她開始動。)

溫醫師:Before? (以前?)

患者丈夫:Uh….. (痾…)

溫醫師:One week ago? (一個禮拜以前?)

患者丈夫:Yes! (是的。)

溫醫師:She still can do this? She still can do this? (一個禮拜以前?)

患者丈夫:You see how I doing this? Yes, correct. (你有看到我怎麼拉她嗎?對,沒錯。)

患者:In order for me to move correct, he had to pull my arms….. (為了讓我可以正確的移動,他必須這樣拉我手臂…)

患者丈夫:From toe to get the trick go. (讓她可以踏步走出去)

溫醫師:okay. (okay.)

患者丈夫:Like a puppet. (像一個木偶。)

溫醫師:What make her different? (有什麼不一樣嗎?)

患者丈夫:Yes. (是的。)

溫醫師:Make her different after the acupuncture? (針灸後有什麼不一樣嗎?)

患者丈夫:Yes. First is her…..By herself, she can pick up like a marching. (是的,首先是…她可以自己像行軍一樣踢步。)

溫醫師:And her balance come better, right? (然後她的平衡感變好了,對嗎?)

患者:Much better. (好很多。)

溫醫師:So, he don’t need to hold you very tightly, take easy. Right?


患者:Correct. (對。)

溫醫師:Oh. All right. Thank you! I know. (喔。好了,謝謝,我知道了。)


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