10年巴帕金森5年輪椅 針灸5次會走路 溫氏現代針灸1患者罹病帕金森10年,5年前僵硬惡化只能坐輪椅,從國外來找溫醫師,針灸5次後可扶輪椅走路

溫醫師:How many years have you been suffered for Parkinson’s?


患者:About ten years. (大概十年。)

溫醫師:About ten years? More than ten years, right?

(大概十年? 應該是十年多,對嗎?)

患者:About ten years. (大概十年。)

溫醫師:About ten years. So when you started to can not to walk?


患者:Five years ago. (五年前。)

溫醫師:Five years ago. (五年前。)

患者:I couldn’t walk. (我不能走路。)

溫醫師:You can’t walk. All right, and you came to my clinic. How many times you can walk again? (你不能走路。好,然後你來我診所看診。針灸幾次後你可以走路?)

患者: five times. (五次。)

溫醫師: five times. (五次。)

患者:I could walk a little ground again. (我可以稍微走一下下。)

溫醫師:Yea, how do you feel is that? (好,你覺得如何?)

患者:I felt stronger and happier. (我覺得比較有力而且比較開心。)

溫醫師:Haha…ok..ok…good! So, let’s continue . Ok? All right. (哈哈…okok…好。讓我們繼續療程吧。)

患者:Yes,  please. (好的,拜託了。)

溫醫師:Thank you. It’s ok. (謝謝,這樣就好。


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